1.         Plant and Areas 

(1)        Plant shall be the fresh fruits of sweet oranges (Valencia variety, Washington Navel variety, Tomango variety and Protea variety), lemons and grapefruits hereinafter referred to as "fresh fruits" produced in those areas in the Republic of South Africa designated by the Plant Quarantine Authorities of the Republic of South Africa (hereafter referred as "the Plant Quarantine Authorities") as areas where intensive pests and diseases control is enforced.

(2)        Plant shall be the fresh fruits of sweet oranges (Valencia variety, Washington Navel variety, Tomango variety and Protea variety) and grapefruits hereinafter referred to as "fresh fruit" produces in those areas in the Kingdom of Swaziland designated by the Department Agriculture of the Kingdom of Swaziland as areas where intensive pests and diseases control is enforced.

2.         Means of Transportation 

            The consignment shall be imported as ship cargo or air cargo. 

3.         Inspection and Certification 

            (i)         The fresh fruits shall be inspected by the Plant Quarantine Authorities and attached with phytosanitary certificates issued by the said Authorities.  The phytosanitary certificate shall bear declaration to the effect that, as a result of inspection, it is recognized or believed that they are not infested with any injurious plant pests and diseases. 

            (2)        The phytosanitary certificate mentioned in paragraph (1) above shall bear additional remarks as follows: 

                        A          The fresh fruits are not infested with Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata Wiedermann. 

                        B.         The fresh fruits are to be disinfested with the treatment stipulated in Article 4. 

            (3)        The phytosanitary certificate mentioned in paragraph (1) above bears endorsement by the Japanese plant protection officer certifying the implementation of the disinfestation stipulated in Article 4 and inspection mentioned in paragraph (1). 

            (4)        The certify the implementation of the disinfestation by Japanese quarantine official mentioned in paragraph (3) shall be conducted with the Plant Quarantine Authorities as follows. 

A.         In case that the disinfestation is conducted at cold treatment facilities in the Republic of South Africa, the certify shall be conducted at this facilities.

                         B.         In case that the disinfestation is conducted on in-transit ships or in containers, the certify of starting disinfestation shall be conducted at export port and the certify of finishing disinfestation is conducted at import port. 

4.         Disinfestation 

            (1)        The fresh fruits shall be disinfested at the fruit pulp temperature of -0,6 ± 0,6°C for 12 days after the temperature of the innermost fruit pulp has reached -0,6°C at the land cold treatment facilities, in cold treatment containers or on the in-transit ships.

(2)        The cold treatment facilities, cold treatment containers and the cold treatment ships shall be designated by the Plant Quarantine Authorities as the facilities or ships with function and installation appropriate to sterilize. 

            (3)        The cold treatment in paragraph (1) shall be applied to the fresh fruits in packing. 

5.         Sealing

(1)        In case that the fresh fruits disinfested at the cold treatment facilities, the fresh fruits shall be packed with seal by the Plant Quarantine Authorities. 

            (2)        In case of the fresh fruits disinfested on the cold treatment ship or in cold treatment containers, the cold treatment hold of the ship or cold treatment container shall be sealed by the Plant Quarantine Authorities. 

 6.         Measure of Loading 

            When the fresh fruits sterilized according to Article 4, are loaded into either vessel, container or airplane, measures shall be taken to ensure that the fresh fruits are not infested with the Mediterranean fruit fly. 

7.         Indication 

            Each fresh fruit, inspected in accordance with paragraph (1) of Article 3 and disinfested in accordance with Article 4 shall bear a mark which indicates that quarantine inspection for export has been completed.  Each package shall also bear on three or more of is sides a mark which indicates that the destination of the fruits is Japan.


1.         Producing Areas 

(1)               Producing areas which are stipulated in paragraph (1), Article 1 of the Standards, are those areas designated as the areas where intensive pest control is enforced by the Plant Quarantine Authorities of the Republic of South Africa in the whole area of the Cape Province and in Zebediela and North and South Eastern Low Veld of the Transvaal Province and Kwazulu Natal. 

            (2)        Producing areas which are stipulated in paragraph (2), Article 1 of Notification, are those areas designated as the areas where intensive pest control is enforced by the Department Agriculture of the Kingdom of Swaziland.

 2.         Sterilization Facilities

             (1)        Cold treatment facilities in production control which were stipulated in item A, paragraph (4), Article 3 of the Standards shall be met the following requirements. 

                        A.         Cold treatment facilities for the fresh fruits shall be located at the point of pier areas, where it is not necessary to transport the sterilized fresh fruits on land for loading. 

                        B.         Each cooling chamber of cold treatment facilities shall be maintain a fixed temperature of ± -0,6°C(± 1°F).

                         C.         Each cooling chamber of cold treatment facilities shall be provided with an automatic temperature recording device which records the air temperature at the entrance and exit of the cooled air current (2 points) and the fresh fruits pulp temperature in the centre of the cooling chamber and at the exit of the cooled air current (2 points), which makes it possible to read the temperature recordings at any time outside the cooling chamber the cooled air current (2 points). 

            (2)        Cold treatment ships which are stipulated in item B, paragraph (4), Article 3 of the Standard shall be met the following requirements. 

 A.         Each cooling deck of cold treatment ship shall be maintain a fixed temperature of ± 0,6°C. 

                        B.         Each cooling deck of cold treatment ship shall be provided with an automatic temperature recording device which make it possible to read the air and fresh fruits pulp temperature recordings at any time outside the cooling deck. 

C.         The automatic temperature recording device mentioned B shall be provided 2 or more probes for air temperature and 4 or more probes for fresh fruits pulp temperature.  However,  cabins that consist of more than one deck of ordinary size (hereafter “plural deck”) shall have two or more temperature sensors on the top deck for measuring the air temperature, one or more sensors each deck, other than the one in question, for measuring the air temperature and three or more sensors per cabin for measuring the temperature of the center of the fresh fruits. 

                        D.         The automatic temperature recording device mentioned B shall be to record in unit of 0,1 °C every 4 hours, shall be capable of maintaining an accuracy within the range of ± 0,1 °C for a month or more after calibration. 

(3)       The list of the cold treatment ships designated by the Plant Quarantine Authorities of the Republic of South Africa shall be submit to the Japanese plant protection officer by the Plant Quarantine Authorities of the Republic of South Africa.  The list shall be describe name of ship, designated number, date of designation, Name of the shipping line, capacity of each deck, drawings and specification of the ship. 

(4)               Cold treatment containers shall meet the following conditions: 

A.        Sealed type containers 

B.        Containers shall be free from cracks, damages and give no chance of harmful plants and insects (if any) to disperse around. 

C.         Temperature of the centre of fresh fruit can be maintained at the designated temperature.

D.         An automatic temperature recorder that can monitor the temperature of the centre of fresh fruit (3 spots including the centre of consignment in the container) from outside occasionally shall be equipped. 

E.         The automatic temperature recorder described in D shall be capable of recording the temperature to the smallest unit of 0.1 degree centigrade every 4 hours and shall be capable of maintaining the temperature accuracy of plus minus 0.1 degree centigrade at least for the first month after calibration.

(5)        Regarding cold treatment containers designated by South African Plant Quarantine Authority, every year before the start of investigation the list of the containers with the mark, the number, the owner, cubic contents and the designated date-month-year shall be generated and submitted to Plant Protection Officer (of Japan). 

3.         Measures to be taken at the time of loading 

            Measures to be taken at the time of shall be in accordance with either one of the following.  However, in the case of air cargo, only the measure as laid down in (2) below shall apply. 

            (1)        Packings must be covered completely by a sheet or similar cover. 

(2)        The ventilation holes of packings shall be screened (the diameter of the mesh should be less than 1,6 mm)

4.         Inspection of Sterilization Facilities 

            (1)        Cold treatment facilities. 

                        A.         The Japanese Plant protection officer shall inspected the cold treatment facilities in the Republic of South Africa in order to confirm whether the cold treatment facilities meet the condition stipulated in paragraph (1) of Article 2. 

                        B.         In principle, the inspection mentioned A above shall be carried out with the Plant Quarantine Authorities of the Republic of South Africa. 

                        C.         In principle, the inspection mentioned A above shall be carried out prior to the use of the said facilities, However, in case that the Japanese plant protection officer deems it necessary, the facilities can be inspected at any time during its operation. 

                        D.         At the Inspection mentioned A above, the confirmation of ability of the facilities shall be carried out as follows :



                                                (A)       In principle, the inspection shall be carried out at empty chamber. 

                                                (B)       Two probes shall be inserted in standard size fresh fruits respectively and one shall be disposed at the center of the chamber, another shall be disposed at the corner of the chamber. 

                                                (C)       The probe inserted in fresh fruits shall be kept away more than 1 m from the wall, the floor and the ceiling of the chamber. 

                                                (D)       It shall be confirmed that the temperature of the fresh fruits pulp reaches at -0.6°C and keeps -0,6°C or below for 24 hours too measure every hour. 

                         (2)        Cold treatment ships 

                                     A.        The Japanese plant protection officer shall inspect the cold treatment ships in order to confirm whether the cold treatment ships meet the condition stipulated in paragraph (2) of Article 2. 

                                     B.        The inspection mentioned A above shall be carried out after the confirmation that the ships was recorded at list mentioned in paragraph (3) of Article 2. 

                                     C.        The inspection mentioned A above shall be carried out prior to the loading with the fresh fruits to the ships. 

                                     D.        At the inspection mentioned above A, the confirmation of ability of the ships shall be carried out as follows :

                                   (A)        In principle, the inspection shall be carried out at empty deck. 

(B)        Four probes shall be inserted in standard size fresh fruits respectively and one shall be disposed at the center of the deck, the other shall be disposed at the corners of the deck.  In case of plural deck, dispose in total of three spots, in the middle of each deck and any two corners of the four corners of the deck. 

(C)        The probe inserted in fresh fruits shall be kept away more than I m from the wall, the floor and the ceiling of the deck. 

(D)        It shall be confirmed that the temperature of the fresh fruits pulp reaches at -0,6°C and keeps at -0,6°C or below for 24 hours to measure every hour. 

(3)                Cold Treatment Containers 

A.        Plant Quarantine Officer(s) shall investigate cold treatment containers in advance in order to confirm that the requirements in (4) of 2 are met. 

B.        Investigation as in A shall be executed after confirming that the container has been on the list as in (5) of 2. 

C.        The investigation as in A shall be executed before fresh fruits are loaded in cold treatment containers. 

D.        In the investigation as in A, confirmation of the ability of cold treatment containers shall be conducted in the following method:


(A)         Principally, the containers must not be loaded 

(B)        Insert a temperature sensor into the centre of fresh fruits of ordinary size and dispose them at 3 spots, in the middle of the cold treatment container, near the door and a point close to where chilly atmosphere reflects. 

(C)         The temperature sensors having inserted into fresh fruits shall have a distance of 50 cm or more from the wall surface of the cold treatment container and the floor respectively. 

(D)        After the temperature of the centre of fresh fruits become -0.6 degree centigrade, measure the temperature every hour to confirm that the temperature is maintained at -0.6 degree centigrade for 24 hours or more. 

            (4)        Revocation of sterilization facilities designation 

                        Even if the sterilized facilities has been designated, in case of proving that the sterilization facilities doesn’t meet paragraph (1), (2) or (3) of this Article, or paragraph (1) or (2) of Article 3 during its operation, the Plant Quarantine Authorities of the Republic of South Africa shall revoke designation of the sterilization facilities. 

5.         Confirmation of Inspection and Sterilization 

            (1)        In case of carrying out the sterilization at cold treatment falicities. 

                        A.         Confirmation of operation of sterlization 

In principle, confirmation of sterilization stipulated in item A, paragraph (3), Article 3 of the Standards shall be carried out with the Plant Quarantine Authorities of the Republic of South Africa as follows: 

                                    (A)        It shall be confirmed that the temperature of the fresh fruits pulp in more than two places in each cooling chamber reach -0,6°C. 

                                    (B)        In principle more than once a day, upon the confirmation of A above, it shall be confirmed that the temperature of the fresh fruits pulp are   -0,6°C for twelve consecutive days. 

                                    (C)       It shall be confirmed that whether the readings of temperatures recorders are correct immediately before and after the sterilization by the method of freezing point. 

                        B.        Confirmation of export inspection 

                                    (A)        In terms of paragraph (3), Article 3 of the Standards, the Japanese plant protection officer shall confirm that the fresh fruits are not infested with any injurious pests or diseases, especially the Mediterranean fruit fly, Black spot, False Codling Moth and Scale Insects by inspecting 2 % or more of the total number of packings with the Plant Quarantine Authorities of the Republic of South Africa by kind of the fresh fruits (in case of sweet orangs, inspection must be carreid out on variety basis.) 

                                    (B)        In case of the Medeterranean fruit fly is found as a result of confirmation of inspection stipulated in (A) above, the Japanese plant protection officer is to investigate the reason for the presence of Mediterranean fruit fly in cooperation with the Plant Quarantine Authorities of the Republic of South Africa and Ministry of Agriculture of the Kingdom of Swaziland.  The confirmation of sterilization of fresh fruit shall be suspended until such reasons become clear.  

                        (C)       Endorsement on the phytosanitary certificate  

                                    In case the sterilization was carried out properly by confirming the sterilization stipulated in paragraph (1) above and fresh fruits are not infested with any injurious pest or disease by confirming the inspection stipulated in paragraph (2) above, the Japanese plant protectin officer shall endorse to the Phytosanitary certificate under the signature of the Plant Quarantine Authorities of the Republic of South Africa.  

(2)               In case of carrying out the sterilization on in-transit ships or cold treatment containers  

                        A.         Confirmation of export inspection  

                                    (A)        In terms of paragraph (3), Article 3 of the Standards, the Japanese plant protection officer shall confirm that the fresh fruits are not infested with any injurious pest or disease, especially the Mediterranean fruit fly, Black spot, False Codling Moth and Scale Insects by Inspecting 2 % or more of the total number of packings with the Plant Quarantine Authorities of the Republic of South Africa by kind of the fresh fruits (in case of sweet oranges, inspection must be carried out on variety basis).  

                  (B)        In case of the Mediterranean fruit fly is found as a result of confirmation of inspection stipulated in (a) above, the Japanese plant protection officer shall confirm that this consignment was prevent to export for Japan by the Plant Quarantine Authorities of the Republic of South Africa.  

                        B.        Confirmation of start of sterilization  

                                    In principle, confirmation of start of sterilization at export port stipulated in item B, paragraph (3), Article 3 of the standards, shall be carried out with the Plant Quarantine Authorities of the Republic of South Africa as follows:  

                                    (A)        It shall be confirmed that the ship was inspected stipulated in paragraph (2) of Article 4 or it shall be confirmed that the container was inspected stipulated in paragraph (3) of Article 4.  

                                    (B)        It shall be confirmed that the temperature of the fresh fruits pulp in more than four places (in case of plural deck three or more spots per cabin), or fresh fruits at three or more spots for cold treatment containers.  

                                    (C)       It shall be confirmed that the temperature recorded devices were scaled by the Plant Quarantine Authorities of the Republic of South Africa.  

                                    (D)       It shall be confirmed that whether the readings of temperature recorded devices are correct immediate before the sterilization by the method of freezing point.  

                                    (E)        The Japanese plant protection officer shall confirm that the seal stamped stipulated in paragraph (2) of Articles of the Standards is fixed on the batch and the number are written on plant quarantine certificate by South African Plant Quarantine Authority of the Republic of South Africa.  

            C.        Confirmation of finish of sterilization  

                        In principle, confirmation of finish of sterilization at import port stipulated in item 3, paragraph 3, Article 3 of the Standards, shall be carried out with the Plant Quarantine inspector of the Republic of South Africa as follows:  

                        (A)       It shall be confirm that the seal stipulated in paragraph (2), Article 5 of the Standards is not broken.  

                        (B)       To check the record of automatic temperature recorded at each deck, or per cold treatment container, it shall be confirmed that the temperature of fresh fruits pulp were -0,6°C ± - 0,6°C for twelve consecutive days.  

            D.        Endorsement on the phytosanitary certificate  

                                    In case fresh fruits are not infested with any injurious pest or disease by confirming the inspection stipulated in item (a), paragraph A above and the sterilization was started by confirming stipulated in paragraph B above and finished by confirming stipulated in paragraph C above, the Japanese plant protection officer shall endorse to the phytosanitary certificate under the signature of the Plant Quarantine Authorities of the Republic of South Africa.  In case the sterilization is incomplete, the fresh fruits in the said deck or cold treatment containers shall be re-shipped by responsibility of the Plant Quarantine Authorities of the Republic of South Africa.  

6.         Indication  

                        Markings on the fresh fruits and packings stipulated in Article 7 of the Standards shall be in accordance with the following style and executed on a surface of box such as one side of the box with (letters and/or numbers) large enough to be recognized with ease.                        

(1)                Marking stipulating the completion of plant quarantine for export:  


7.         Import Inspection  

            (1)        Import inspection shall be carried out at the ports of import by checking the fresh fruits and the relevant phytosanitary certificate.  

            (2)        In case the Phytosanitary certificate with additional remarks added by the Japanese plant protection officer is not attached in accordance with paragraph (3), Article 3 of the Standard and seals stipulated in Article 4 of the Standards are not placed onto the packings and there is no  mark as stipulated in Article 7 of the Standards or the packings are broken with the exclusion of in-transit sterilization; the Plant Protection Officer shall order either destruction or return of the said fresh fruits.  

            (3)        Procedures and methods of import inspection other than paragraph (1) and (2), shall be in accordance with the Plant Protection Law Enforcement Regulations (Ministry of Agriculture & Forestry Ordinance No. 73 of 30th June 1950) and Import Plant Quarantine Notification (Ministry of Agriculture & Forestry Notification No. 206 of 8th July 1950).  

            (4)        In case the Mediterranean fruits fly is found, measures to be taken are the following:  

                        A.         The Japanese Plant Protection Officer shall order either to destroy or to return the entire consignment.  

B.         The Japanese Plant Protection Officer shall investigate the reason for this in co-operation with the Plant  Quarantine Authorities of the Republic of South Africa and Ministry of Agriculture of the Kingdom of Swaziland and shall suspend further import inspection until such reason becomes clear.  





            The plant quarantine authorities of the Republic of South Africa (hereinafter "the South Africa quarantine authorities") shall:  

(1)        designate production areas of export citrus destined for Japan.

(2)        confirm intensive pest control at the designated area.

(3)        revoke the designation of the area that was disqualified by outbreak of the pests.

(4)        obtain the Japanese plant protection authorities approval to send data beforehand in case of expanding product district.  

2.         PACKING

  The South African quarantine authorities shall confirm:  

(1)        The citrus destined for Japan was produced in designated areas.

(2)        Packing materials and indication are compiled with the Standards.  


            The South Africa quarantine authorities shall:  

(1)        designate the ships or containers for cold treatment and submit the list of the designated ships or containers to the Japanese quarantine officer.  

(2)        submit the claim that the automatic temperature recorder device is able to maintain an accuracy for a month or more after calibration.  

(2)       inspect the ship or container with the Japanese quarantine officer in accordance with the detailed rules before operating cold treatment.  

(4)        revoke designation of the ship or container that was disqualified as the result of the inspection.  

(5)        revoke designation of the ship or container that was failed the in-transit treatment.  

The Japanese plant quarantine officer shall:  

(1)        confirm that the cold treatment ship or container has been designated by the South Africa quarantine authorities to collate the list submitted by the South African quarantine authorities.  

(2)        inspect the ship or container in accordance with the detailed rules before operating cold treatment.  


            The South African quarantine shall:  

(1)        direct for exporter that export inspection will be gone well

(2)        inspect the citrus for Japan

(3)        suspend the consignment that is infested with the Mediterranean fruit fly for Japan.  

The Japanese plant quarantine officer shall:  

(1)        confirm that the implementation of export inspection was carried out by The South Africa quarantine authorities.  

5.         PRE-COOLING  

            The South Africa quarantine authorities shall:  

(1)        designate the pre-cooling facilities and calibrate the temperature probes.  

(2)        recognize the loading for the cold treatment hold or container in case that pre-cooling has been conducted 72 hours or more and the fruit pulp temperature is -0.50C or below.  

The Japanese plant quarantine office shall:  

(1)        attend the designation of the pre-cooling facilities and calibration of temperature probes by the South Africa quarantine authorities.


            The South Africa quarantine authorities shall:  

(1)        confirm that the hold or container is in designated ship.  

(2)        monitor the temperature of loaded fresh fruit pulp.  

(3)        suspend the loading and order to cool the hold in case that the temperature of fresh fruit pulp in the hold is raised 10C or more.  

(4)        permit for repeat of leading only if the temperature of fresh fruit pulp went down   -0.1°C again.



            The South Africa quarantine authorities shall:  

(1)        calibrate the temperature probes before cold treatment and keep this record.              

            (2)        arrange two probes for air temperature and 4 or more probes for fresh fruits pulp temperature.  However,  cabins that consist of more than one deck of ordinary size (hereafter “plural deck”) use two or more temperature sensors on the top deck for measuring the air temperature, one or more sensors each deck, other than the one in question, for measuring the air temperature and three or more sensors per cabin for measuring the temperature of the centre of the fresh fruits.  

(3)        put each the probe as follows:  

(A)       two air temperature probes shall be fitted that one on the forward bulkhead, another on the aft bulkhead.  In case of twin deck, two air temperature probes shall be fitted in the upper deck, one in the forward bulkhead and another on the aft bulkhead, one probe shall be fitted in the lower deck on the forward or aft bulkhead, depending where the coolers are situated.  

(B)       Four fruit probes shall be placed that one nearest the cooler at the top, two amidships at middle, one furthest from cooler at bottom.  In case of twin deck, three fruit probes shall be placed each decks that one nearest the cooler at the top, one amidships at middle, one furthest from cooler at bottom.  

(4)        make an arrangement map of temperature probes and submit it to the Japanese plant protection officer and the Japanese plant protection station jurisdictioned the first port of the cold treatment ship.  

(5)        seal the hatch before start of cold treatment.  

The Japanese plant quarantine officer shall:  

(1)        confirm that the South Africa quarantine authorities conducted that mentioned from (1) to (3) above.  

(2)        confirm that the hatch are sealed.  


            The Japanese plant protection officer and the South Africa quarantine authorities shall be sign on the temperature record to confirm the temperature of fresh fruit pulp falls 00C or below.


            The South Africa quarantine authorities shall conduct to:  

(1)        issue the phytosanitary certificate for the consignment that is passed export inspection and started cold treatment.  

(2)        add remarks on the phytosanitary certificates as follows:  

(A)       The fresh fruits is not infested with the Mediterranean fruit fly.  

(B)       The fresh fruits has been disinfested at -0.60C  ±0.60C for twelve consecutive days (start date:                        finish date:               )  

The Japanese plant quarantine officer shall conduct to:  

(1)        endorse (name) the phytosanitary certificate for the consignment that is passed export inspection and started cold treatment.  

(2)        confirm that there is no mistake about the additional remarks of the phytosanitary certificate.  


            The South African quarantine authorities shall:  

(1)        confirm that all decks of the ship or container are started cold treatment when departure of the ship is noticed.  

(2)        notice of the Japanese plant protection officer when departure of the cold treatment ship is noticed for The South Africa quarantine authorities.  


            The South Africa quarantine authorities shall direct for the Captain as follows:  

(1)        No one can remove the seals of the cold treatment decks or containers.

(2)        The cold treatment shall be finished before arrival of Japan.

(3)        The fresh fruit shall be disinfested by cold treatment at 0.6ºC ± 0.6ºC for twelve consecutive days.

(4)        Should a fruit temperature rise above the specified maximum, cold treatment process will be repeated and the twelve days cold treatment period restarted at day 1.

(5)        During the process of cold treatment, the temperature chart must be signed by the Captain or Chief Engineer every 24 hours.  


            The South Africa quarantine authorities shall  

(1)        confirms as follows:  

A.         The seals of the hatch or container are not broken.

B.         There is no trouble on the automatic temperature recorder device and the temperature adjustable part of the temperature recorder has been sealed.  

C.        To confirm by temperature chart that the fresh fruits has been disinfested at   -0.6ºC ±0.6ºC for twelve consecutive days.  

D.        To confirm the signature of the Japanese plant protection officer on the temperature recorder chart.  

(2)        calibrate the temperature probes after the finish of the cold treatment.  

(3)       issue the phytosanitary certificate in its entirety if there is no problem as the result of confirming (1) and (2).  

(4)        order to re-shipment and make void the phytosanitary certificate if there is any problem as the result of confirming (1) and (2).  

The Japanese plant quarantine officer shall conduct:  

(1)        in cooperation with the South Africa quarantine authorities mentioned (1) and (2).  

(2)        to endorse (name) the phytosanitary certificate if there is no problem as the result of confirming (1) and (2).


            The Japanese plant protection authorities shall inspect in accordance with the plant protection law.  


1.         HARVEST

            The same as 1.  

2.         PACKING

            The same as 1.  


(1)        The Japanese plant protection officer and the South African plant quarantine authorities shall inspect the cold treatment facilities in accordance with the detailed rules before start of cold treatment.  

(2)        the South Africa plant quarantine authorities must not designate the facilities that there is any problem as the result of inspection mentioned (1) above.  


            The South Africa quarantine authorities and the Japanese plant protection officer shall:  

(1)        calibrate temperature probes before cold treatment and keep this record.  

(2)        arrange two probes for air temperature, two probes for fruit pulp temperature.  

(3)        put each probes as follows:  

A.         Two air temperature probes shall be fitted at exit and entrance of cool air.  

B.         Two fruit temperature probes shall be placed at the center of room and at exit of cool air.


            The Japanese plant protection officer and the South Africa quarantine authorities shall be sign on the temperature record to confirm the temperature of fresh fruit pulp falls 0ºC or below.  


(1)          In principle once every day, the South Africa quarantine authorities and the Japanese plant protection officer shall confirm the temperature of the fresh fruit pulp.  

(2)          Should the temperature of the fresh fruit pulp raise at 0.1ºC or more, the South Africa quarantine authorities shall suspend the cold treatment and the cold treatment process will be repeated and the twelve days cold treatment period restarted at the 1.  


            The South Africa quarantine authorities and the Japanese plant protection officer shall:  

(1)        confirm that the fresh fruit has been disinfested at -0.6°C ± 0.6°C for twelve consecutive days.  

(2)        calibrate the temperature probes after the finish of the cold treatment.  


The South African quarantine authorities shall:  

(1)        direct for exporter that export inspection is gone well.

(2)        inspect the citrus destined for Japan.

(3)        suspend to export the consignment for Japan, should the Mediterranean fruit fly be detected as a result of inspection and investigate the reason that the Mediterranean fruit fly is infested.

(4)        suspend the program of export for Japan until such reasons became clear.  

The Japanese plant protection officer shall:  

(1)        confirm the implementation of export inspection by the South Africa quarantine authorities.

(2)        investigate the such reason in cooperation with the South African quarantine authorities, should the Mediterranean fruit fly be detected.  


            The South Africa quarantine authorities shall:  

(1)        issue the phytosanitary certificate for the consignment that is passed export inspection and has been carried out cold treatment.  

(2)        add remarks on the phytosanitary certificate as follows:  

A.         The fresh fruits is not infested with the Mediterranean fruit fly.

B.         The fresh fruits has been disinfested -0.6ºC ± 0.6ºC for twelve consecutive days.  

The Japanese plant protection officer shall:  

(1)        endorse (name) the phytosanitary certificate for the consignment that is passed export inspection and has been carried out cold treatment.  

(2)        confirm that there is no mistake about the additional remarks of the phytosanitary certificate.  


            The Japanese plant protection authorities shall inspect in accordance with the plant protection law