Importing regulations


The purpose of the Agricultural Pests Act, 1983 (Act No. 36 of 1983) and its subordinate legislations is to provide for measures by which agricultural pests may be prevented and combated and for matters connected therewith. The Act also mandates the Directorate Plant Health to regulate plants, plant products and other regulated articles when imported into South Africa. Plants, plant products and related materials are capable of harbouring quarantine pests, which if they enter South Africa with imported commodities and establish, may endanger the South African agricultural, horticultural or forestry sectors. Similarly, pests that occur in South Africa may endanger countries to which we export and as a result South Africa may lose its export markets.

1. Import regulations for plants, plant products and other regulated articles.

1.1 Regulation R. 111 of 27 January 1984
; regulate the importation of plants, plant products and other regulated articles by means of import permit. Regulation R. 111 was amended by the following amendments.

1.2 Consolidated Government Notice R.1013 of 26 May 1989 as amended.

Government Notices R.1013 of 26 May 1989 provide for importation of controlled goods without a permit, subject to requirements stipulated in that notice. Government Notices R. 1013 was amended by the following amendments:

For more information please contact:

Directorate Plant Health
Private Bag X14, Gezina, 0031
Division: Policy Norms and Standards
Tel: 012 319 6164/012 319 6116
Fax: 012 319 6025
Email: or