Equitable access to land, integrated rural development, sustainable agriculture and food security for all
To accelerate land reform, catalyse rural development and improve agricultural production to stimulate economic development and food security through :
- transformed land ownership patterns
- agrarian reform
- implementation of an effective land administration system
- sustainable livelihoods
- innovative sustainable agriculture
- promotion of access to opportunities for youth, women and other vulnerable groups
- integrated rural development
- People centred service standards
- Courtesy and compassion
- Professionalism and accountability
- Effective communication and transparency
- Respect and integrity (ethics and honesty)
Alignment of DALRRD outcomes to government priorities
Outcome indicators
Contribution to priorities
Outcome 1: Improved governance and service excellence
- 100% compliance with legal prescripts
- 100% achievement of KPIs
Outcome 2: Spatial transformation and effective land administration
- Effective application of spatial development planning and land
- use management
- Legislative mechanism and policy measures to provide legally
- secure tenure to all citizens
- Integrated land administration system
Outcome 3: Redress and equitable access to land and producer support
- Increase in access or ownership of land by previously disadvantaged people in South Africa
- 2500 smallholder producers commercialised
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Outcome 4: Increased production in the agricultural sector
- 10% increase in value of agricultural production by 2025
Outcome 5: Increased market access and maintenance of existing markets
- 1.5% increase of agricultural exports
- 1% increase of domestic use (value added) of agricultural products
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Outcome 6: Integrated and inclusive rural economy
- Number of jobs created in rural areas
- Number of Agri-parks fully functional
Outcome 7: Enhanced Biosecurity and effective disaster and risk reduction
- 100% compliance with biosecurity policies and measures