Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Mr Senzeni Zokwana held a bilateral meeting with the Minister of Environment, Water and Agriculture of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Engineer Abdulrahman Bin Abdulmohsen Al-Fadley on Friday, 22 February 2019 in Pretoria. The main purpose of the visit was to discuss a Memorandum of Understanding on technical cooperation in the field of agriculture, fisheries and aquaculture as well as to identify potential areas for investment. Minister Al-Fadley was accompanied by representatives of the Saudi Agricultural and Livestock Investment Company.

Minister Zokwana updated the Saudi delegation about the recent outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease in the Limpopo Province. He further assured the delegation that the South African beef is safe for consumption. The Minister expressed a desire for South Africa to export live sheep and maize to Saudi Arabia once South Africa regains its FMD Free status from the OIE.

The Ministers further acknowledged that trade between the two countries is progressing fairly well with South Africa enjoying market access for fresh oranges, lemons, lucerne, pears, grapes, plums, peaches, animal feed and macadamia nuts.

In terms of the MoU, the Ministers agreed that focus should be on trade, investment, capacity building, research and development in the fields of agriculture, fisheries and aquaculture. The Ministers confirmed that once all legal protocols are concluded both countries will be ready to sign the MoU. In the area of investment, Minister Zokwana shared potential projects for investment in the fields of agro-processing and aquaculture. The Saudi delegation expressed a desire to lease land in South Africa to produce a wide range of agricultural commodities provided they can sign a lease of 99 years or more.

Discussions also focussed on the Ondersterpoort Biological Products’ (OBP) interest to export animal vaccines to Saudi Arabia. Minister Al-Fadley invited OBP, grain companies, livestock companies, the agro processing and aquaculture industry to visit Saudi Arabia in October and participate at the Saudi Agricultural Show more