The Republic of South Africa through Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries will collaborate with the African Union, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization and the Wildlife Fund International to celebrate the International Day of Forests.

The day will be celebrated at the University of Pretoria under the theme: Forests and Education. Activities of the day will include tree planting and a debate on forests and education.

The objective of the theme is to showcase the level of forestry education in Africa with the intention to encourage policy makers to give priority to the forestry sector, especially to education and research. This will highlight the importance of improved forestry education and the role of academic institutions and research centers in advancing sustainable forestry management.

This celebration dates back to the year 2012 when the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 21 March the International Day of Forests. The day has since been celebrated annually under different themes.  On this day, countries and institutions are encouraged to undertake international, national and local efforts to organise activities involving forests and trees, such as tree planting and public awareness campaigns. This global celebration of forests provides a platform to raise awareness on the importance of all types of woodlands and trees, and celebrate the ways in which they sustain and protect us through the provision of various goods and services.

Follow the conversation on #IDF2019.

Details of the event:

Date: Monday, 18 March 2019

Time: 08:30 for 09:00

Venue: University of Pretoria (Hatfield), Future Africa Conference Centre, Pretoria


To confirm your attendance and for the programme of the day, please contact Jamela Nkanyane on 082 346 9781 or more