DALRRD Minister Thoko Didiza visited Zelpy farm in George
DALRRD Minister Thoko Didiza handing over a title deed to the Andover and Leamington community
DALRRD Minister Thoko Didiza responding to the questions asked during the Presidential Imbizo in Northern Cape
Deputy Minister Capa during the official opening of Mzinti in Mpumalanga
Deputy Minister Skwatsha during his engagement with Northern Cape farmers
From left Premier Mtsweni-Tsipane, Minister Didiza, MEC Shiba and Sasol Vice Chair Mokoena during the handing over of land
Deputy President David Mabuza and Minister Thoko Didiza posing with one of the female farmers who received support from government

Notice of the approved National Spatial Development Framework

I, Angela Thoko Didiza, the Minister of Agriculture Land Reform and Rural gives notice in terms of Section 13(1) of the SPLUMA of the approval of the National Spatial Development Framework by Cabinet on the 23 March 2022 in terms of section 13(5) of the SPLUMA. The approved National Spatial Development Framework (NSDF) can be accessed on the Departmental website ...read more

To amend the Sectional Titles Act, 1986, so as to amend certain definitions; to provide for the developer to answer questions put to the developer by the agents of the lessees; to provide that a certificate issued by an architect or a land surveyor must also comply with section 26(2) of the Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act, 2013; ...read more | Memorandum on the objects of the Sectional Titles Amendment Bill, 2020

The Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development, Ms Thoko Didiza (MP), will, from the 17 to 18 September 2020, undertake a two-day working visit to the Capricorn District Municipality. The visit is part of her responsibility as she was appointment as the District Development Model (DDM) champion for the Capricorn (DDM) ...read more

Apimondia President, Dr Jeff Pettis and Secretary General, Mr Riccardo Jannoni Sebastianini will be addressing African Apiculture Stakeholders and you are hereby kindly invited to participate in this important session....read more | Join zoom meeting

I would like to extend a word of appreciation to the G20 for organising this important meeting. My thanks go to His Excellency, Mr. Abdulrahman AlFadley, and the Royal Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, for your excellent coordination of the G20 Agriculture and Water meetings...read more

The Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development, Ms Thoko Didiza (MP), will, from 14 to 15 September 2020, undertake a working visit to the Mandela Royal House, Komkhulu in Mvezo (The Great Place)...read more

Please view the SCM Scam Alert regarding a Request For Quotation (RFQ) scam which is currently being carried out in the name of the former Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries...read more

Yesterday the Statistician-General, Mr Risenga Maluleke, released the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) numbers for the second quarter (Q2) of 2020. The GDP dropped by 51% in the second quarter of 2020, which is a second successive decline after the 1.8% drop in the first quarter (Q1) of 2020. The heavy fall in Q2 is attributed to the impact of the COVID-19 shutdown ...read more

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