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Genetic Resources

Plant Genetic Resources

Access of germplasm

  Accession available at genebank


Common name


1. Maize

2. Sorghum

3. Millet

4. Mungbean

5. cucurbits

6. Cowpea

7. Bambara groundnuts

8. Sweet potatoes




  Request for access to gene bank material

The NPGRC provides access to germplasm-maintained ex situ for:-

  •  Research purposes to Institutions of Higher Learning and Research Institutions upon signing of a Material Transfer Agreement (MTA).
  • Local farmers, mainly for repatriation purposes and to replace their lost material.



Common name


1. Maize

2. Sorghum

3. Millet

4. Mungbean

5. cucurbits

6. Cowpea

7. Bambara groundnuts

8. Sweet potatoes




  Request for access to gene bank material

The NPGRC provides access to germplasm-maintained ex situ for:-

  • Research purposes to Institutions of Higher Learning and Research Institutions upon signing of a Material Transfer Agreement (MTA).
  • Local farmers, mainly for repatriation purposes and to replace their lost material.