Early Warning Systems
Pest alert
Tuta absoluta (Tomato leafminer)
Polyphagous Shot Hole Borer-PSHB
Pest Action Plans
Advisory notes
South African Emergency Plant Pest Response Plan
Pest Data Sheets
Pest Surveillance
Useful Links:
- Link for the online training on handling and identification of fruit flies
For pest reporting, please contact:
- phytomatters@dalrrd.gov.za
- Julie Mokwele - JulieM@dalrrd.gov.za
- Emily Munganga - EmilyMu@Dalrrd.gov.za
- Simphiwe Mnguni - SimphiweMn@dalrrd.gov.za
- Yolanda Mthembu - YolandaT@Dalrrd.gov.za
- Ntuweleni Singo - NtuweleniSN@Dalrrd.gov.za