Veterinary Public Health





In terms of the Meat Safety Act, 2000 (Act 40 of 2000)





Dr Mphane Molefe (Director)

Tel +27 (0) 12 319 7688

Fax +27 (0) 12 3297699

Vacant (Personal Assistant)
Tel +27(0)12 319 7572

Subdirectorate: Meat Safety Risk Management

Ms Annatjie Steyn                                                                       

Tel + 27 (0)12 319 7405                                                                                 

Fax +27 (0) 86 665 4312 (NO permit applications will be accepted at this fax)



State Vet


Dr Edson Goremucheche

Tel +27 (0)12 319 7417

Fax +27 (0)12 319 7699 (Not for permit applications)

  • Import / Export Approval

Dr Kudakwashe Magwedere

Tel +27 (0)12 319 7650

Fax +27 (0)12 319 7699 (Not for permit applications)

  • Technical Advisory on Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) matters
  • Policy Development and Implementation Support
  • Food Safety Management Systems Auditing
  • Foodborne Disease Outbreak support
  • Livestock and Product Identification and Traceability


Control VPHO


Ms Lizzy Molele

Tel +27 (0)12 319 7559

Fax +27 (0)12 319 7699 (Not for permit applications)

  • Coordination of the laboratory registration programme
  • Development of National Microbiological Monitoring guidelines
  • Development of Draft Rabbit Regulations
  • Development of laboratory registration guidelines

Ms Talita Zwartz

Tel +27 (0)12 319 7649

Fax +27 (0)12 319 7699 (Not for permit applications)

  • Development of Draft Game Meat Regulation
  • Development of National Residue Monitoring guidelines
  • Independent Meat Inspection

Ms Tsholofelo Malatsi

Tel +27 (0) 12 319 7546

Fax +27 (0) 12 319 7699

(Not for permit applications)

  • Import and Export registration
  • Development of Poultry Regulation

Mr Stephen Brown

Tel +27 (0) 12 319 7410

Fax +27 (0) 12 319 7699

  • Abattoir by-products and waste management
  • Development of Draft Crocodile Regulation
  • Abattoir list
  • Coordination of BSE Project
  • Coordinate HAS working group
  • China Export
  • Application for reconsideration - (Meat Import rejections)

Mr Msawenkosi Sithole

Tel +27 (0) 12 319 7515

Fax +27 (0) 12 319 7699



  • Law Enforcement (illegal slaughter investigation)
  • Development of food borne parasites guidelines
  • Development of farm food safety guidelines / SOP (traceability)
  • Coordination and development of mobile abattoir guidelines / SOP
  • Training and Extension


Subdirectorate: Primary Animal Health Care


Ms Sanet Chilro                                                         

Tel +27 (0)12 319 7572

Fax +27 (0)12 319 7699 (NO permit applications will be accepted at this fax)

  • Administration of AIDA
  • Implementation and enforcement of AIDA Act
  • Registration of AIDA and Marking Operators
  • Revision and signing of certificates issued in terms of AIDA Act
  • Assistance and advise to public regarding AIDA Act


Ms Ntaoleng Mavundla                                                                              

Tel + 27 (0)12 319 7575                                                                                

Fax +27 (0) 86 665 4312 (NO permit applications will be accepted at this fax)

  • Administration of the Performing Animals Protection Act applications
  • Administration of Compulsory Community Service matters

State Vet


Vacant (Deputy Director)


Tel +27 (0)12 319 7598

Fax +27 (0)12 319 7699 (Not for permit applications)

  • Compulsory Community Service and Animal Welfare


Control VPHO


Ms Morongwa Senyatsi

Tel +27 (0)12 319 7402

Fax +27 (0)12 319 7699 (Not for permit applications)

  • Coordination of Compulsory Community Service
  • Animal Welfare

Mr Jan Nel

Tel +27 (0)12 319 7565

Fax +27 (0)12 319 7699 (Not for permit applications)

  • Registrar AIDA


Unless otherwise specified, “meat” (as defined by Act 40 of 2000) will be handled by the person handling the live animal from which the meat originates. [This also applies to “raw” / untreated “meat” for pharmaceutical, medical and laboratory use; as well as e.g. raw bones for the production of e.g. gelatine or ingredients for medicinal purposes].

 If a product is imported in a form that could be diverted into the human food chain, the requirements on the VIP & VHC will provide for human consumption & will be the responsibility of the vet responsible for that commodity (for human consumption).

 BLNS countries: Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, Swaziland


Angola, Botswana, Democratic Republic of Congo, Lesotho, Madagascar, MalawiMauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Seychelles, South Africa, Swaziland, United Republic of Tanzania , Zambia, Zimbabwe

 European Member States:

Austria Belgium Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Poland Portugal Romania Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden.

 Australasia (region within Oceania):

The most commonly used include: Australia and New Zealand, islands of the South Pacific, including New Guinea and adjacent islands, all of Oceania including the regions of Polynesia, Melanesia, and Micronesia

 Middle East:

Bahrain, Cyprus, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Yemen

 Arab States of the Persian Gulf:

The seven Arab states which border the Persian Gulf, namely Bahrain, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). This excludes the non-Arab state of Iran. All of these nations except Iraq are part of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC).[4]
