International Trade


Trade Agreements


TDCA agreement with the EU

Free Trade Agreement between the European Union and RSA (TDCA Agreement)

01 April 2010: Notice: R.267: JCC Decision

01 April 2010: Notice: R.266: Cheese Quota

EFTA-SACU Free Trade Agreement

Free Trade Agreement between the EFTA States and the SACU States

List of Processing for non-originating products

Specimens of movement certificate EUR 1 and application for a movement certificate EUR 1

Mutual Administrative Assistance in Customs Matters

Industrial Products imports into SACU Customs Duties

PAPS Imports into SACU Customs Duties

Industrial Products under ITAC Investigation

Customs Duties on Imports into SACU

Agricultural Agreement between the SACU States and Iceland

Agricultural Agreement between the SACU States and Norway

Agricultural Agreement between the SACU States and Switzerland

Link 1: European Free Trade Association ( EFTA) - website

Link 2: South African Customs Union (SACU) - website


Preferential Trade Agreement between the Common Market of the South (MERCOSUR) and the Southern African Customs Union (SACU)

Offer of Mercosur to SACU

Offer of SACU to Mercosur

List of working or processing

African Growth Opportunity Act (AGOA)


SACU Agreement

SACU Agreement 2002

SADC Agreement

SADC Agreement 2002


Other Agreements.

TTIP Briefing - 31 March 2014

Wine and Spirits Agreements between South Africa and the European Union

Wine Agreement

1. Wine Agreement

2. Wine Protocol

3. Wine Annex I - Oenological Practices

4. Wine Annex II - Geographical Indications

5. Wine Agreement Declaration

6. Exchange of letters - Wine Quota

Spirits Agreement

1. Spirits Agreement

2. Spirits Protocol

3. Spirits Annex

4. Spirits Declaration

Exchange of letters

Provisional implementation of agreements

Summary of Trade Agreements

ITR Brochure 2009

Trade Development and Cooperation Agreement (TDCA)

European Free Trade Association ( EFTA)

Southern African Development Community (SADC) and South African Customs Union (SACU)


African Growth Opportunity Act (AGOA)

World Trade Organization (WTO)

Trade Analysis Tools