International Trade


Market Analysis Tools

The International Trade Centre (ITC) provides its market analysis tools - Trade Map, Market Access Map, Trade Competitiveness Map, Product Map and Investment Map - free of charge as of 1 January 2008 for all users in developing countries, thanks to support from the World Bank and other donors.  A common user management system allows the users to create a unique account to access Trade Map, Market Access Map, Product Map and Investment Map.

Please go to to register. Questions about ITC's market analysis tools should be addressed to the Market Analysis and Research team at

Access to the tools is through ITC's Market Analysis Tools portal

Trade Analysis Tools

Trade Map

Trade statistics for international business development

A new version of Trade Map with advanced features is now available. Trade Map is a web-based database with statistics and indicators of global trade flows. It covers 220 countries and territories (over 95% of world trade) for around 5300 products of the Harmonized System, and also contains 120 countries' most detailed national statistics covering up to 30,000 products. Trade Map helps users prioritise export markets and products by analysing international demand and supply.

Market Access Map

Making market access transparent

Market Access Map covers customs tariffs (import duties) and other measures applied by 185 importing countries to products from 239 countries and territories . MFN and preferential applied import tariff rates are shown for products at the most detailed national tariff line level. Market Access Map helps users prioritize export markets by analysing international market access conditions. It also helps policy makers prepare for bilateral, regional and multilateral market access negotiations.

Investment Map

For a better identification of investment opportunities

Investment Map combines statistics on foreign direct investment and international trade, tariff data and activities of multinational firms. It includes information, on the location, sales, employment and parent company, for around 60,000 foreign affiliates located in developing countries and economies in transition. Investment Map helps users prioritise sectors for investment promotion activities and identify company and country sources of potential investment.

Trade Competitiveness Map - (previously known as Country Map)

Benchmarking national and sectoral trade performance

It provides country market analysis profiles for around 240 countries and territories available on ITC's MAT portal. Each profile provides a series of tools to facilitate strategic market research, monitor national and sectoral trade and macro-economic performance and design trade development strategies. These tools include the Trade Performance Index on export trade performance at sectoral level, the National Export Performance and National Import Profile and an assessment of the reliability and characteristics of national trade statistics.

Product Map

Business information for going global

A Web portal presenting business information and intelligence in a product context for 72 product clusters. The product clusters range from agricultural machinery to wood products. Product Map includes market studies, price indicators, links to product information, trade data and links to over 20,000 companies and organisations . Companies can also create their own basic web site, which is hosted on the portal. Go to to login.
