Statistics and Economic analysis




The Directorate Agricultural Statistics compiles three regular statistical reports, i.e. monthly reports on crop estimates, quarterly reports on livestock estimates and the Monthly Food Security Bulletin of South Africa .

1. Crop Estimates

In addition to making inputs to the Crop Estimates Committee for the estimation and forecasting of field crop plantings and production, the Sub-directorate: Statistical Research also performs secretariat functions for the committee and disseminates its reports on a monthly basis. 


2. Livestock numbers

The Sub-directorate: Statistical Research also reports on the number of livestock (cattle, sheep, goats and pigs) on a quarterly basis, as well as annually on the composition of the national cattle herd and sheep flock. 


3. Monthly Food Security Bulletin of South Africa

The monthly Food Security Bulletin reports on weather and market conditions affecting the supply of and demand for grain crops, as well as local and international stock levels and related matters .