Sector Education Training


Sector Skills Development


Internship and Experiential Training


annual report on the implementation of the external bursary scheme 2014 - 2015

annual report on emplementation of the DAFF career awareness programme 2014-2015

Implementation of the Experiential Training, Internship and Professional Development Programme annual report 2014-2015

Annual Report on the Implementation of the Experiential Training, Internship and Professional Development Programme: 2012/13

Annual Report on Implementation of the Experiential Training, Internship and Professional Development Programme: 2011/12

Annual Report on Implementation of the Experiential Training, Internship and Professional Development Programme: 2010/11

Annual Report on the implementation of the Experiential Training, Internship and Proffessional Development Programme 2009/10

Annual Report on the implementation of the Experiential Training, Internship and Proffessional Development Programme 2008/09

Annual Report on the implementation of the Experiential Training and Internship programme 2007/08

Annual Report on the implementation of the Experiential Training and Internship programme 2006/07

Experiential training, internship and PDP policy

Guidelines to Experiential Training and Internship Policy 2012

Experiential Training/Internship Programme progress report 2003 to 2005