DALRRD Minister Thoko Didiza visited Zelpy farm in George
DALRRD Minister Thoko Didiza handing over a title deed to the Andover and Leamington community
DALRRD Minister Thoko Didiza responding to the questions asked during the Presidential Imbizo in Northern Cape
Deputy Minister Capa during the official opening of Mzinti in Mpumalanga
Deputy Minister Skwatsha during his engagement with Northern Cape farmers
From left Premier Mtsweni-Tsipane, Minister Didiza, MEC Shiba and Sasol Vice Chair Mokoena during the handing over of land
Deputy President David Mabuza and Minister Thoko Didiza posing with one of the female farmers who received support from government

Notice of the approved National Spatial Development Framework

I, Angela Thoko Didiza, the Minister of Agriculture Land Reform and Rural gives notice in terms of Section 13(1) of the SPLUMA of the approval of the National Spatial Development Framework by Cabinet on the 23 March 2022 in terms of section 13(5) of the SPLUMA. The approved National Spatial Development Framework (NSDF) can be accessed on the Departmental website ...read more

This Initial Impact Assessment aims to ensure that the policy is on the right track by requiring evaluation of alternative approaches. It should help drafters avoid finalising an inappropriate solution because they moved too quickly to select a strategy without adequately analysing the roots of the problem and considering alternative measures...read more

An outbreak of Foot-and-Mouth Disease (FMD) was detected on 02 January 2019 in the high surveillance area of the foot and mouth disease free zone in Limpopo. This was confirmed and reported to the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) on 07 January 2019...read more

Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Mr Senzeni Zokwana held a bilateral meeting with the Minister of Environment, Water and Agriculture of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Engineer Abdulrahman Bin Abdulmohsen Al-Fadley on Friday, 22 February 2019 in Pretoria...read more

The Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries hereby invites stakeholders in the sector to nominate young top producers either in agriculture, forestry or fisheries to enter for the 2019 #Youth in Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Awards Competition... read more |categories| entry form entry requirements | process flow | checklist

In the 2019 State of the Nation Address, our President set out an ambitious agenda for our nation. It is an agenda that speaks to the South Africa that we can be. It is a task list for all of us. It lays out a series of interventions that will put South Africa on a bold new path...read more

Government responded with an economic stimulus and recovery plan that re-directed public funding to areas with the greatest potential for growth and job creation. Our approach was not to spend our way out of our economic troubles, but to set the economy on a path of recovery...read more

The opportunity presented by this webinar is greatly appreciated by my Department as it comes at the time when South Africa is entirely engaged in discussions around land as a resource that should be shared amongst those who live on it...read more

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