Statistics and Economic analysis





The Directorate Statistics and Economic Analysis compiles the following publications, i.e. Annual publications: the Abstract of Agricultural Statistics , Trends in the Agricultural Sector , Economic Review of the Agricultural Sector , Statistics on Fresh Produce Markets , Guide to machinery Cost and Some Agricultural Economic Concepts , Quarterly publications: Crops and Markets, Report on Livestock numbers, Monthly Reports: Crops Estimates Reports and Food Security Bulletin, Weekly Reports: Price Watch Reports, in which statistics and economic related information generated by the directorate are published.

Hard copies of the Abstract , Trends, Economic Review and Statistics on Fresh Produce Markets can also be obtained from :

Resource Centre,
Directorate: Agricultural Information Services,
Private Bag X144,

Tel. 012 319 7141


1. Abstract of Agricultural Statistics

The Abstract of Agricultural Statistics is an annual publication providing South African agricultural statistics of major importance on, inter alia , field crops, horticulture, livestock, important indicators and the contribution of agriculture to the South African economy.


2. Trends in the Agricultural Sector

The publication Trends in the Agricultural Sector annually gives an overview of the performance of the South African agricultural sector as against the previous year, e.g. farming income; gross value of production; and input and producer prices, and provides information (plantings, production, producer prices, exports and imports, consumption, etc.) on the most important agricultural products.


3. Economic Review of the South African Agriculture

The Economic Review of the South African Agriculture is a half-yearly publication that offers agricultural economic information to give some idea of the macroeconomic position of the agricultural sector.

The focus areas are agriculture's contribution to the national economy and trends with regard to the most important agricultural econo­mic indicators , e.g. gross value of agricultural production; farming income; input and producer prices; cash flow of farmers; and farming debt.


4. Crops and Markets

Crops and Markets appears quarterly on the website of the Department of Agriculture ( and gives an overview of agricultural economic indicators, trends in the South African agriculture and fruit and vegetable sales on the major fresh produce markets .


5. Statistics on Fresh Produce Markets

The annual publication Statistics on Fresh Produce Markets provides the monthly mass, value and price per ton figures of fruit and vegetables sold on the major South African fresh produce markets, per market and in total.

Furthermore, statistics on specific products sold during a specific period of time can be obtained from Ms Makaleng (Lucky) Mahlatse at telephone number 012 319 8050 or e-mail address:

6. Guide to machinery Cost


The Guide to Machinery Cost provides information on the cost per hour or kilometre used for vehicles and machinery in cost calculations on production activities such as land cultivation. These costs form an integral part in the compilation of enterprise budgets.


7. Some Agricultural Economic Concepts


The publication is a document that attempts to standardise agricultural economic terminology, and as such provide a common understanding of the calculation and understanding of farm accounting terminology.