Food Import Export Standards


Biosecurity Promotion and Awareness



Plant/ Phytosanitary information


Agricultural Pests Act, 1983 (Act No. 36 of 1983)

Government Notices R.1013 of 26 May 1989

Regulation R. 111 of 27 January 1984

Import and export guidelines

1. Import

Import Procedure

Plant Health Tariffs with effect from 01 April 2023


2. Import protocols

Facilities To Import Apples Pears From China

Protocol for the importation of Stone fruit from Spain to South Africa

Protocol_ import_apple_China-SA



Special export protocols/programmes/directives

Exporting deciduous and citrus fruit to the following markets: USA, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Israel, Taiwan and the EU? Please Sign up and be informed of all activities and updates regarding these special markets.

The NPPO (National Plant Protection Organisation) of South Africa establishes export programmes in cooperation with the NPPOs of importing countries. Currently, the following protocols are available for exports:

3. News